Thursday, October 18, 2018


What are the options for cosmetic and typical moles removal?

It all depends on size and depth of the mole in the skin. The mole’s location, type of mole and patient’s expectations with the final cosmetic outcome also play a role in choosing the correct mole removal technique. We offer complimentary consultation for all of the following cosmetic mole removal options:

how to remove moles?

The shape, size, depth, and location of the mole determines the removal technique. The following are short descriptions about our unique removal techniques, however; let us schedule you for a complimentary consultation to advise you on which method is best for your type of mole and what results you can expect with each treatment.


Moles, like vascular lesions, can be cauterized or treated with laser. Heat from laser or cautery shrinks the vasculature and creates a small wound in the treated area. Subsequently skin goes through the wound healing process. The area after treatment develops a scab that will fall off after one to two weeks and heals with a small scar tissue. Afterwards, skin at the site of the healed area usually looks slightly pink, but will fade to skin colored over time.


This method is used if the mole or other type of skin lesion is sitting above skin level. The procedure is shaving the mole off of the skin level. Then the site of shaving will be cauterized or have a solution applied to stop the bleeding. Both methods create a fake scab that covers the area of mole removal and allows the wound to heal beneath it. The removed tissue can be sent to a pathologist for a final confirmed diagnosis.


This is a technique using a special medical device to “punch out” a cylinder-shaped piece of skin and tissue. This method can be used for removal of suspicious moles when a deeper tissue layer under the mole is needed for evaluation to rule out cancer. It is usually used on areas of the body that you are not concerned with a result of scarring. The area can be closed with one or two stitches, or left alone to close by itself.


This method is used when a mole is deep in the skin, diagnosis in uncertain, or if there is a suspicion of skin cancer. During this procedure, we need a reasonably sized, thick piece of tissue for the pathologist to evaluate under a microscope. The area will be completely numbed and the mole will be cut out in an eye shape with some of the skin around it. The cut area will be closed with stitches and followed up to ensure it is healing well.

How long does it take to heal?

Healing after treatment depends on many factors such as location, size, and method used to remove the mole. Generally, it can take 1 to 2 weeks for the lesion to heal. If there is a residual pink mark, it can take up to six months to fade back to skin colored. Results may vary and Dr. Shafa will inform you of exactly what to expect for the healing process in your individualized case.

Do we have to send the removed mole to a pathologist if it looks like a benign mole?

In the practice of medicine, physicians follow a protocol of “Standard Care.” It means that every doctor is expected to send a removed mole to the pathologist even if it clinically looks benign. This is because even the most experienced dermatologists cannot be 100% sure with the naked eye that there are not any cancer cells developing within the mole. In the case that there are cancer cells developing within the site of removal, a wider tissue re-excision is recommended.
Book a consultation for mole removal with us!

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